
We maintain a database of literature which makes use of the NIDS data and aim to keep it as up to date as possible. If you have any recent publications, or know of any, which use the NIDS data, and which are not already included in the database, please send this information to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Note: The papers provided here are informative, serving the NIDS user community, and do not reflect the views of NIDS.

Correct Citation of the Data

Wave 5:  Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit. National Income Dynamics Study 2017, Wave 5 [dataset]. Version 1.0.0 Pretoria: Department of Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation [funding agency]. Cape Town: Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit [implementer], 2018. Cape Town: DataFirst [distributor], 2018.

Wave 4: Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit. National Income Dynamics Study 2014-2015, Wave 4 [dataset]. Version 2.0.0. Pretoria: Department of Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation [funding agency]. Cape Town: Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit [implementer], 2018. Cape Town: DataFirst [distributor], 2018.

Wave 3: Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit. National Income Dynamics Study Wave 3, 2012 [dataset]. Version 3.0.0. Pretoria: SA Presidency [funding agency]. Cape Town: Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit [implementer], 2018. Cape Town: DataFirst [distributor], 2018.

Wave 2: Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit. National Income Dynamics Study Wave 2, 2010-2011 [dataset]. Version 4.0.0. Pretoria: SA Presidency [funding agency]. Cape Town: Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit [implementer], 2018. Cape Town: DataFirst [distributor], 2018.

Wave 1: Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit. National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) Wave 1, 2008 [dataset]. Version 7.0.0. Pretoria: SA Presidency [funding agency]. Cape Town: Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit [implementer], 2018. Cape Town: DataFirst [distributor], 2018.

Panel User Manual - Release 2018, V1: Brophy, T., Branson, N., Daniels, R.C., Leibbrandt, M., Mlatsheni, C., & Woolard, I., 2018. National Income Dynamics Study Panel User Manual. Release 2018. Version 1. Cape Town: Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit.